Thursday, April 26, 2012

Windy Wednesday -_-'

Here's a little rant. It is now Thursday in the west coast of the US. And I'm sad to say that I did not do anything my entire Wednesday. Reason being is that, the weather was blaaagghh. I don't get the weather now a days. It's so bipolar. Sunny on Tuesday and a storm on Wednesday. Lame right? Oh well.

Was supposed to hit up the Apple store to pick up a new charger for my phone since my current one is dying. Supposed to meet up with a friend that works there so he could hook it up, but since it was windy, I didn't wanna drive up just for a charger. Like what if I crash or hydroplane on the way up just for a flippin' charger? Okay, maybe it wouldn't have gone like that, but I don't wanna take my chances! ANYWAY. He's not working tomorrow/today (since its already 1am here) and he won't be working til Friday. I have to wait one day just to get a charger.. This is what I get for being so cheap!

Maybe I'll just cough up a couple of bucks for a charger tomorrow instead of waiting for my Apple hook up. I don't know.

Other than that, my day was pretty damn boring. When it's a sucky weather, I just stay home actually. I should have read and studied for my exam on Saturday, but the weather has been a downer and yes, I got really lazy. Not gonna take any chances tomorrow though, I have to study! Womps. Nerd for life!

If you have Instagram and interested in following me.. my account is @ericapasc
It's me :D Don't be shy to follow! I'll follow back as long as you inform me that you've been on my blog. Otherwise, I won't follow back. Sorry, stranger danger!

Have a great day lovelies!

xo, erica

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