Sunday, April 8, 2012


I've gone so accustomed to a daily routine that I never anticipated change. Life happens, and things change. Nothing is ever constant. As much as I wanna believe that things will last forever, I can't say that. People come in and out of your life. Feelings change from time to time. We all grow up, and we all realize different things as we grow up.

Ahh.. I hate how crazy this rollercoaster is. Dealing with things, I'm not really the best at. But I'm trying. As much as I hate hurting people, especially people I care about, I can't help how I'm feeling and my desire to be happy myself.

This is the day I hate the fact that I'm not the same person I was when I was 18. Turning 22 and two losses in my family within a 4 month window does change a person. Is it for the good? Or bad? We'll never know unless we take the ride.

xo, mei.

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