Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer Lovin!

Okay, okay. I know its not summer yet, but I'm excited for summer! Free flowing dresses, comfy clothes, sun, beach, sand, slippers! Ahh, I can't wait! In the meantime though, I picked up three pieces of clothing that I already love. I don't shop a lot but when I do see something, I pick it up right when I see it. Heh, you never know when you'll get the chance to see it again! Styles are changing every season, so its good to always pick up what you like.

First up, saw this in the back of the racks, and I had to get it. I've been jealous of a lot of girls wearing chiffon button ups and I thought I'd get one since I've been dying for one! Its checkered, pink, and it covers my bum when I wear leggings (which is a plus!). $24.

Second, this scarf caught my eye! I love these colors together. If you ask any of my friends, they'd say its my style. Hehe. $9.99.
 I got picture-happy with this dress. The print is just so pretty to me! And its very flowy, can't wait to wear this on a date (you never know!). Seriously love the print!! $24.

Okay, that is all for now! Time to study and not slack on the class that I've been avoiding the whole week! Ha. I'd take pics of these when I'm actually wearing them soon (:

xo, erica

Windy Wednesday -_-'

Here's a little rant. It is now Thursday in the west coast of the US. And I'm sad to say that I did not do anything my entire Wednesday. Reason being is that, the weather was blaaagghh. I don't get the weather now a days. It's so bipolar. Sunny on Tuesday and a storm on Wednesday. Lame right? Oh well.

Was supposed to hit up the Apple store to pick up a new charger for my phone since my current one is dying. Supposed to meet up with a friend that works there so he could hook it up, but since it was windy, I didn't wanna drive up just for a charger. Like what if I crash or hydroplane on the way up just for a flippin' charger? Okay, maybe it wouldn't have gone like that, but I don't wanna take my chances! ANYWAY. He's not working tomorrow/today (since its already 1am here) and he won't be working til Friday. I have to wait one day just to get a charger.. This is what I get for being so cheap!

Maybe I'll just cough up a couple of bucks for a charger tomorrow instead of waiting for my Apple hook up. I don't know.

Other than that, my day was pretty damn boring. When it's a sucky weather, I just stay home actually. I should have read and studied for my exam on Saturday, but the weather has been a downer and yes, I got really lazy. Not gonna take any chances tomorrow though, I have to study! Womps. Nerd for life!

If you have Instagram and interested in following me.. my account is @ericapasc
It's me :D Don't be shy to follow! I'll follow back as long as you inform me that you've been on my blog. Otherwise, I won't follow back. Sorry, stranger danger!

Have a great day lovelies!

xo, erica

Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Monday!

I've been blogging a lot and I think I'm obsessed with it! Today is a pretty gloomy day in Southern California so I decided to wear a headband & a bold lip! (:

& I'm posting a pic of the 2 scarfs I picked up yesterday at Earth Day Fest!

Btw, if anyone knows Zayn from One Direction, ask him to hit me up. Haaha jk!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day!

Went to the Earth Day Festival at Balboa today and I'd say it's a success. My very first time going to the festival and I loved it! Picked up 2 scarves which I'll post up a pic up later. These particular ones I'm so glad I picked up cause it caught my eye the first time!

After the fair, stopped by the cafe for a quick study session with my girls!

I hope everyone had a great day!

xo, erica

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Jet Set to Hawaii!

Hello loves! Just an update on what I did today. Basically went to Karen's pad to finally book our flight to Hawai'i this summer! And we actually did it! I had some cold feet only cause deals we're hard to find. But I'm so happy things worked out and we're jet setting to O'ahu in the summer! Btw, if you didn't know already, I grew up in Hawai'i as a kid and it's been awhile since I've visited. So this is gonna be the first time in a long time that I'm gonna set foot on the island again. And I absolutely can't wait! As what I've read earlier, "Cease opportunities as they present themselves" and I think that's going to be my theme for this year.

It has been a roller coaster for the past couple of months, so I think Karen and I deserve this trip! Luckily, my Aunt is kind enough to open her doors for us to stay in Hawaii. Anyway, here are some pictures from today. Also working on getting a new camera before Hawaii so I can take pictures of all the awesomeness that will happen on the trip! hehe.

 Towel swag. haha I don't blow dry my hair, nor do I use straighteners only because I wanna restore my hair back to its healthy self!

Yes, I drive a stick shift. Cool huh? hehe

Finally booked our flights! 3 hour layover in LA, but I don't mind!

Lastly, ended my night with some ice cream! :D

Please please please! If you haven't already, check out for gear such as clothing, shoes, gadgets, etc. Both for men and women! They have awesome stuff and brand names ranging from Jeffrey Campbell, Crooks & Castles, Married to the Mob, Loungefly, tokidoki, and just really awesome gear really! If you see anything you like, please enter my REP CODE at check out "YMMMP" for 20% your first purchase and 10% off after! :D It would mean sooooo much to me!

Anyway, toodles for now!
xo, erica.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Denim & coffee dates!

Another day of studying at Coffee Bean with Karen. Up side is that I finished my essay before the weekend! (8 Now it's just studying and reading. Yea, we're nerds. Hah

Wore my mom's denim collared shirt from Levi's, leggings, and animal print scarf + my blazers. Really hot day in SD, so I had to wear something comfy or else I would have gone biserk!

xo, erica

Let go absolutely & you'll find absolute peace.

Wow, just went to my first meditation class and all I can say is it's so refreshing. Everyone should try a meditation class at least once to see if you'll like it. I did & I'm going to make an effort to go to the class at least once a week!

Didn't do an outfit of the day, only a shirt of the day. Haha! In the morning went out to look at real estate with mi madre. Then headed to the meditation class with Karen (very cool!) & went out to eat at TapEx after.

I swear, I love trying new things! : )

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Everyday we studyin'!

I see this girl like every day of the week! But I'm not mad, we're very productive and fun when we're together. Haha got half of my paper done thats due on Saturday (: & got my coffee fix!

Every day is a new day for improvement! I'm definitely getting better at this and definitely taking every day as an opportunity for greater things!

xo, erica

Monday, April 16, 2012

Focusing on life itself

Today was a very chill day. Went out for lunch with my mom in the afternoon and had a great study session today with Karen and Abi, and it really put in perspective what I want for my daily routine to be. I wanna focus on school and my family. And possibly all the traveling I'm aching to do in the future. Whatever life gives me, I know it will be for the better.

As for love, I can do better because I know I deserve better. That is all.

xo, erica

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tattoos and cupcakes!

Yesterday one of my bestfriend's got a tattoo from my cousin. And it was her first tatt! Hehe I was thinking of getting another one but I held myself back and just retouched the one on my arm.

After getting tatted, we drove to Hillcrest for Babycakes! A local dessert spot here in San Diego. I love supporting local businesses! :D I'm not really good at describing something or telling a story, so here are some pictures from yesterday! Enjoy!

xo, erica

*no outfit of the day only cause the weather is ugly in San Diego and I just decided to throw on whatever.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Unexpected meeting.

Had a little get together with my girls today, Karen and Heather at Starbucks. We were suppose to read and study, but we all know that that doesn't happen. Ha

So thankful to have them in my life, I don't know what I would do without them!

*Heather not pictured

xo, erica

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Married to the mob?

Stayed home all day today so I didn't really see the need to dress up! Wore my "Real Mobs do Real Things" tee from Married to the Mob, Levi's, Seiko watch, and my dollar bracelet (:

Very chill day today!

xo, erica

Karmaloop discount!


If you love street fashion or just about anything that involves fashion. may have the things you want or need! Please check out the online shop and see what you like!
I have a discount code of 25% off your entire purchase for first time buyers, and 10% off thereafter as long as you use my rep code!

Just punch in "YMMMP" at check out in the rep code section and get your discounts!

xo, mei

Monday, April 9, 2012

Job hunting

I can't believe how hard it is to get a call back for a job. I applied and emailed the company how many times and still no email back or call backs. Sometimes I really hate job hunting and just want to give up. But I can't afford to stop looking. Please, job gods, just give me this one and I will stick with it for as long as I possibly can! Just give me this break pls!

*sigh. I hope I get the job ASAP! Cause having too much free time means having to think about the unfortunate event that just happened.

xo, mei.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Good times,

Happy Easter everyone! (:

xo, mei


I've gone so accustomed to a daily routine that I never anticipated change. Life happens, and things change. Nothing is ever constant. As much as I wanna believe that things will last forever, I can't say that. People come in and out of your life. Feelings change from time to time. We all grow up, and we all realize different things as we grow up.

Ahh.. I hate how crazy this rollercoaster is. Dealing with things, I'm not really the best at. But I'm trying. As much as I hate hurting people, especially people I care about, I can't help how I'm feeling and my desire to be happy myself.

This is the day I hate the fact that I'm not the same person I was when I was 18. Turning 22 and two losses in my family within a 4 month window does change a person. Is it for the good? Or bad? We'll never know unless we take the ride.

xo, mei.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Daily necessities,

Little twin stars wallet from Sanrio, Milani blotting powder in Tan, Karmaloop discount business cards, Revlon lip butter in Pink Truffle, Turquoise planner, 0.38 pen from Daiso (8

xo, mei

Sunny day in San Diego!

Working today in this beautiful weather /_-' Simple outfit, just my Married to the Mob J'adore MOB tee, jeans and my Blazers! :D I can't wait to get a new job though! Need to step out of my comfort zone and experience new things and meet new people!

Hope everyone has a great day!

xo, mei

You can always count on great friends,

Despite how your feeling or how confusing the world can get, having awesome girlfriends always takes some of that weight off your shoulders. I cannot imagine what it would be like without my girls. & I'm thankful to God for having me meet a great group of girls to count on. Can't express it enough how much I appreciate them!

On another note, picked up some random goodies today. Milani liquif-eye, Revlon lip butters, and Essie & a Revlon nail varnish! :D Been aching for a nice mint color varnish, & was looking forward to getting an Essie one but this Revlon will do for now (:

xo, mei

Friday, April 6, 2012


I don't understand how something that you were so familiar to, can be so unfamiliar now. The feeling is awkward, and I just want to get away from it. Talking won't do any good and neither would ignoring the situation. So you're stuck. Stuck into something you wanna get out of but just can't seem to because you're afraid of hurting the other person.

But how do you measure feelings? How do you figure out if its still there or if it isn't anymore? You don't. Things just change randomly and you have no control over it.
As far as you know though, you know you're not happy. It's time to start thinking about yourself more than the other person. It's time to make yourself happy and comfortable. You can't live in fear of the outcome, you just gotta suck it up & realize that things have changed.. x

Cheesin with a chubby baby!

Blurry picture and I look so gross, but I love my nephew so much! On his 1st birthday and he's already grown so much since this picture, I swear!
Anyway, if you're reading this and still wanna continue on reading.. Hello! My name is Erica but some people call me "Mei" because my whole full name is Erica May, hence .. "livelovemei" (: Nothing much to say except that I'm new to this blogging deal. Well, I haven't blogged since I was in high school. & That was probably 6 years ago. Deng, I'm getting old! Meh, not really. Anyway, I made this in able to have an outlet and I just get really bored sometimes & love to post random things! So be prepared for some girl related blogs or fashion related posts! hehe

If you wanna follow me on Tumblr or if you have a Tumblr, follow me! @ymmmp (:

love, mei.

Roses are red,

Laid back day today. Chilled at home the whole day and it's relaxing knowing that I've been out a lot the past nights. Just wore jeans and my red thermal. Comfy day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Yummy cupcakes & nails did!

Loving my new nail varnish! Been obsessed with mint lately and on the hunt for Essie's Mint Candy Apple but this Milani one will do for now (:

Also picked up some sweets! #girlproblems haha


I'm really new to think blog so bare with me. As an introduction, my name is Erica. I am a twenty-two year old college student currently pursuing Psychology. I love life and all its little quirks. This would be my daily blog from now on. I feel like putting my outfit of the days and just daily ramblings (: Let's be friends. Hehe