Wednesday, July 18, 2012


You guys, why is it so hard finding a decent job? I'm a struggling college student that needs money for a new car and expenses. Why won't anyone hire me? Just waiting for someone to take a chance with me and believe I can do great things! Seriously though, my typing skills can go up to 60WPM. I'm very well aware of how the internet and computers work. I use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook on a regular basis. I have great communication skills, great phone etiquette. Decent looking and has a can do attitude! No? Okay fine. Let me send you all my resume and get no call backs or responses. So tired of looking for a job or a paid internship but I know I shouldn't stop looking. Shoot, I can even be your mail room associate if you need one. I just need a job. Womps, anyone know how to make money from home? Something legit? Thanks. I need it.

xo, mei

Friday, June 29, 2012


What would I give to have this person just talk to me and engage in a stimulating conversation with me about current events, common interests and future plans. Oh man, this conversation can change everything and I am hoping it will happen sometime soon! Eek.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Long time!

Been mia lately, sorry. Enjoying my so-called summer break. Hah! Here's photos from the past 2 weeks. Haven't been on picture crazy lately though! Hope everyone is doing wonderful (:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I know I've been mia lately, so here's a blogpost for you all! I'll present my week in pictures because its just a whole lot of random happenings.

*The pictures are not in order, I don't know why my app won't put it in the order I select it, sorry!

Basically, it was my mom's birthday, pool days, study days, Wild Animal park, and mother's day. Oh and random outfits! Enjoy (:

Btw, if you wanna follow me on instagram, my username is "ericapasc" :D

xo, erica

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Broke out my dresses for the summer despite the cloudy weather we've been having and finally tried on the dress I got from my last purchase! I love wearing dresses & I think this one is my fave yet!

I don't know why this app uploads the pictures in the wrong order. But basically did errands with my grandma and after dropping her off I picked up some coffee at a local shop! :D then later pulled out my dresses and tried on my new one!

Have a lovely day!
xo, erica

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer Lovin!

Okay, okay. I know its not summer yet, but I'm excited for summer! Free flowing dresses, comfy clothes, sun, beach, sand, slippers! Ahh, I can't wait! In the meantime though, I picked up three pieces of clothing that I already love. I don't shop a lot but when I do see something, I pick it up right when I see it. Heh, you never know when you'll get the chance to see it again! Styles are changing every season, so its good to always pick up what you like.

First up, saw this in the back of the racks, and I had to get it. I've been jealous of a lot of girls wearing chiffon button ups and I thought I'd get one since I've been dying for one! Its checkered, pink, and it covers my bum when I wear leggings (which is a plus!). $24.

Second, this scarf caught my eye! I love these colors together. If you ask any of my friends, they'd say its my style. Hehe. $9.99.
 I got picture-happy with this dress. The print is just so pretty to me! And its very flowy, can't wait to wear this on a date (you never know!). Seriously love the print!! $24.

Okay, that is all for now! Time to study and not slack on the class that I've been avoiding the whole week! Ha. I'd take pics of these when I'm actually wearing them soon (:

xo, erica

Windy Wednesday -_-'

Here's a little rant. It is now Thursday in the west coast of the US. And I'm sad to say that I did not do anything my entire Wednesday. Reason being is that, the weather was blaaagghh. I don't get the weather now a days. It's so bipolar. Sunny on Tuesday and a storm on Wednesday. Lame right? Oh well.

Was supposed to hit up the Apple store to pick up a new charger for my phone since my current one is dying. Supposed to meet up with a friend that works there so he could hook it up, but since it was windy, I didn't wanna drive up just for a charger. Like what if I crash or hydroplane on the way up just for a flippin' charger? Okay, maybe it wouldn't have gone like that, but I don't wanna take my chances! ANYWAY. He's not working tomorrow/today (since its already 1am here) and he won't be working til Friday. I have to wait one day just to get a charger.. This is what I get for being so cheap!

Maybe I'll just cough up a couple of bucks for a charger tomorrow instead of waiting for my Apple hook up. I don't know.

Other than that, my day was pretty damn boring. When it's a sucky weather, I just stay home actually. I should have read and studied for my exam on Saturday, but the weather has been a downer and yes, I got really lazy. Not gonna take any chances tomorrow though, I have to study! Womps. Nerd for life!

If you have Instagram and interested in following me.. my account is @ericapasc
It's me :D Don't be shy to follow! I'll follow back as long as you inform me that you've been on my blog. Otherwise, I won't follow back. Sorry, stranger danger!

Have a great day lovelies!

xo, erica

Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Monday!

I've been blogging a lot and I think I'm obsessed with it! Today is a pretty gloomy day in Southern California so I decided to wear a headband & a bold lip! (:

& I'm posting a pic of the 2 scarfs I picked up yesterday at Earth Day Fest!

Btw, if anyone knows Zayn from One Direction, ask him to hit me up. Haaha jk!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day!

Went to the Earth Day Festival at Balboa today and I'd say it's a success. My very first time going to the festival and I loved it! Picked up 2 scarves which I'll post up a pic up later. These particular ones I'm so glad I picked up cause it caught my eye the first time!

After the fair, stopped by the cafe for a quick study session with my girls!

I hope everyone had a great day!

xo, erica