Thursday, November 19, 2015


 When I was 17 going off to college all I wanted to do was study art and graphic design but I ended up studying psychology so my fam can feel secure of my future. Although there are days when I wish my parents fully believed in my creative passion, I wouldn't come across the type of person I am today without their guidance. I wouldn't have developed an even greater passion for helping others in need/seeking emotional guidance or even see that there are others who have less than nothing. As much as I get angry sometimes when I think about how my life could have been if I had their support and understanding of what I really wanted to pursue at 17.. I really can't be that angry. They raised me to work hard for what I want, and raised me to understand that they can't always hand me what I wanted. 
There are days I feel jealousy towards people who had a cookie cutter lifestyle. Why? Just because they were given options and if ever they fail at it, their family can pick them back up.

My family isn't like that. My dad worked his ass off to provide for my mom and I. And as an only child, I always felt that if I fail at something.. That would be shameful. That thought that I am my parents' only hope only led me to failure and that is why I felt jealousy towards others. Others who I knew that if they failed, it won't have as much effect to their families.

As years passed, I said fuck it. I traveled, worked hard, promoted, and continue to pursue success regardless of what could have been. I said fuck it, I'll pursue both now, art and social work. At 25, I may not be where I pictured myself, but I've made a difference and touched lives and that is greater than any subjective goals I set for myself when I was 17. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015


So I know I haven't been on here, but I'm gonna make it a point to channel my creative self and actually go to work this year. In the mean time, I'd like to say I have a better camera for my posts now so I'm hoping this blog would look nicer. Haha just a couple pics from all the happenings this year :

I didn't realize I have so many pictures.. And that's only the gist of it!

I'm gonna start doing this on a weekly basis!

Love, Erica

Ps: follow me on IG: @ehrka or Snapchat: @ericapasc

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day

Keeping it comfy on New Year's Day with my $7 H&M jersey dress. Loveeee this piece. I love comfy clothes!

Shout out to the hanger thingy for ruining my shot tho.

xo, erica

It's a New Year!

So much has happened in the past year & I'm ever so grateful for all the people that was a part of my 2013..

I am also stoked to announce that I will be printing beanies to go along with 23lectives. 

Hopefully 2014 brings me good luck on this one. I really need it.

For merch, go to

xo, erica

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Greetings, non-existent followers!

haha, it's been a minute since I blogged on this thang. But I had made a purchase recently to feed my creativity, so I thought I'd share.

I recently bought a Wacom Intuos Creative tablet. I initially bought this so I can draw and design better rather than using my mouse all the damn time. I have yet to give it a try because I work all day and by night I'm too tired to turn my laptop on and get to creating.

But tonight I am wide awake so I might as well post some pictures.

Peep my blurry Nike picture at the end. haha! I have no opinions on this thing yet cause I haven't used it. But aesthetics wise, its sleek, lightweight and good for taking with me on the go.

I'll write up a review after I've used it several times..
Other than that, peace!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Whoa, its been awhile!

Basically, everything is still the same. A little bit closer to achieving my undergrad but other than that, I've been consistent with school, work, and dancing. I really need to get back into blogging because I've missed it!

I haven't really been in the game of fashion and make-up because I've been so busy. So I wouldn't know what the new trends are other than what I think looks cute.

Bare with me. I will get back into action of posting daily life adventures and opinions I may come across. haha

Stay lovely,
xo erica

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


You guys, why is it so hard finding a decent job? I'm a struggling college student that needs money for a new car and expenses. Why won't anyone hire me? Just waiting for someone to take a chance with me and believe I can do great things! Seriously though, my typing skills can go up to 60WPM. I'm very well aware of how the internet and computers work. I use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook on a regular basis. I have great communication skills, great phone etiquette. Decent looking and has a can do attitude! No? Okay fine. Let me send you all my resume and get no call backs or responses. So tired of looking for a job or a paid internship but I know I shouldn't stop looking. Shoot, I can even be your mail room associate if you need one. I just need a job. Womps, anyone know how to make money from home? Something legit? Thanks. I need it.

xo, mei