Thursday, November 19, 2015


 When I was 17 going off to college all I wanted to do was study art and graphic design but I ended up studying psychology so my fam can feel secure of my future. Although there are days when I wish my parents fully believed in my creative passion, I wouldn't come across the type of person I am today without their guidance. I wouldn't have developed an even greater passion for helping others in need/seeking emotional guidance or even see that there are others who have less than nothing. As much as I get angry sometimes when I think about how my life could have been if I had their support and understanding of what I really wanted to pursue at 17.. I really can't be that angry. They raised me to work hard for what I want, and raised me to understand that they can't always hand me what I wanted. 
There are days I feel jealousy towards people who had a cookie cutter lifestyle. Why? Just because they were given options and if ever they fail at it, their family can pick them back up.

My family isn't like that. My dad worked his ass off to provide for my mom and I. And as an only child, I always felt that if I fail at something.. That would be shameful. That thought that I am my parents' only hope only led me to failure and that is why I felt jealousy towards others. Others who I knew that if they failed, it won't have as much effect to their families.

As years passed, I said fuck it. I traveled, worked hard, promoted, and continue to pursue success regardless of what could have been. I said fuck it, I'll pursue both now, art and social work. At 25, I may not be where I pictured myself, but I've made a difference and touched lives and that is greater than any subjective goals I set for myself when I was 17. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015


So I know I haven't been on here, but I'm gonna make it a point to channel my creative self and actually go to work this year. In the mean time, I'd like to say I have a better camera for my posts now so I'm hoping this blog would look nicer. Haha just a couple pics from all the happenings this year :

I didn't realize I have so many pictures.. And that's only the gist of it!

I'm gonna start doing this on a weekly basis!

Love, Erica

Ps: follow me on IG: @ehrka or Snapchat: @ericapasc